Task Knowledge, tool knowledge

Subject: Task Knowledge, tool knowledge
From: David Blyth <dblyth -at- QUALCOMM -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 15:22:26 -0700

>But what my programmer and science colleagues find me most useful for
>on a daily basis--and what they're willing to pay me a decent salary
>for--is the ability to solve minor communication problems very quickly.

Yup. But this is sometimes a major problem. A group of engineers was
once annoyed at me because I spent extra time learning their tools -
not troubleshooting simple problems.

So why was this a problem?

I couldn't solve what they saw as minor problems _without_ learning
their tools. And they were still upset.

David (The Man) Blyth
Sr. Technical Writer
ASIC Division

"Web documentation has already and will continue to cause a
drastic shift in how Technical Communication is defined"

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