Re: Fed up with Eric's Rules

Subject: Re: Fed up with Eric's Rules
From: Matt Ion <soundy -at- SOUNDY -dot- ML -dot- ORG>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 20:07:18 -0800

On Tue, 27 Oct 1998 09:38:52 -0700, Laurel Gilbert wrote:

>I'm not sure I see the point to a list about technical communication
>that is censored.

My mail is coming in very slowly, and I expect this thread will be declared
off-topic at some point, but I haven't seen such a warning yet, so this will
be my first, last and only post on the subject.

First of all, let's get one thing perfectly clear: Eric's control of the list
is not, no how, in no way, censorship. When a third party (particularly one
with a modicum of power) with no direct interest or stake in a medium
attempts to control that medium, THAT is censorship. The Oklahoma State
Board of Health trying to shut down the list would be censorship, for

This list was envisioned, created, and is maintained by Eric. He put the
work into setting it up and keeping it running. It's his sandbox, and he
makes its rules. And if you want to play in it, you play by his rules.
That's no more censorship than it is if you insist that guests in your home
remove their shoes before entering.

Besides keeping the list on-track, Eric has to be concerned with staying in
the good graces of the host of the list, They can't tell him
what he can and can't allow in the list, but they do own the hardware upon
which it runs, and can do whatever they want with it. If they should decide
that the existance of the list is against their best interests, they have
every right to revoke his use of it. And that is not censorship either.

It's simple, folks: you were shown the rules when you signed up. You live
with them, or you live without the list. If you don't like it, feel free to
go start your own list or newsgroup or whatever; there you can make your own
rules, and allow or disallow (or censor, if you like) anyone you want. But
please be adult about it: just shut up, go away, and stop irritating those of
us who DO like it here.

I'll go back to my corner now...

Your friend and mine,
<All standard disclaimers apply>
"Reality is in alpha test on protoype hardware."

I think therefore I am, familiar to most?
How long did we eat the seed planted by our host?
4 billion years between our ears, still hatred brings
as many tears. Still we judge each other...
why when we're only looking for the same high?
- Queensr?che, "spOOL"

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