Looking for a new job in Chicago
Hello all.
My company was recently acquired and is being moved to Boulder, CO. I was given the option of going, but my wife and I were just married in the fall and aren't ready to uproot (and have her look for another job). So, I'm on the hunt for a new position here in Chicago. Without going into tremendous detail, I've been working for the past year-and-a-half as the lone technical writer for a software company. I've used Doc-To-Help to create my user manuals and online help. I've also been involved in determining the GUI design for our product - mostly because I enjoy making the UI more useable and therefore reducing the amount of explanation that needs to written in the manuals. I've only been a tech writer in this job, although in college I wrote tipsheets for the residential computing program. Inbetween, I've worked as a webmaster for the University of Michigan Housing, and was the MIS manager for an advertising agency here in Chicago. But I really want to continue with my technical writing career - and now I must find employment here in Chicago to do so. So... to make a long story short, if anyone knows of any sources I should check into around here, please drop me a line (eathomas -at- mindspring -dot- com). I'll likely be in this position through the middle of January, unless I can find something between now and then, which seems unlikely with the holidays. Thanks much. -Eric eathomas -at- mindspring -dot- com |
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