Re: Animation -- an example of an appreciative audience

Subject: Re: Animation -- an example of an appreciative audience
From: David Castro <thetechwriter -at- YAHOO -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 22:02:43 -0700

There seems to be a lot of blanket statements about animation being a bad
thing. Or of keeping it to a single loop.

Well, there's an audience that almost *requires* animation: DOCTORS! They
in general, very reticent to use computers, or especially to read the
documentation. We found that putting eye candy in the user interface really
the doctors' attention, and got them to start playing with the system. We
didn't get as far as putting any in the documentation before I left, but it
an interesting observation.

You learn a little something everywhere you go....

-David Castro
techwrtr -at- crl -dot- com
thetechwriter -at- yahoo -dot- com
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