Help window does not redraw when using Winhelp ShortCut macro

Subject: Help window does not redraw when using Winhelp ShortCut macro
From: David Kimmel <dkimmel -at- CTCUSA -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 16:22:57 -0500

I am using the Winhelp ShortCut Macro to allow the user to display a dialog
box from a windows application by clicking on a shortcut button in the help

The problem I encountered is that when the dialog is accessed using the
shortcut button and it overlaps the help window, the help window does not
get redrawn if the user tries to drag the dialog off the help window.
Depending on how much the dialog overlaps the help window, this makes it
impossible to read the help text in some cases. The same phenomena occurs if
you intentionally drag the dialog over the help window and drag it off.

Another strange anomaly is that while the dialog is open, you cannot move
the help window, only the dialog. However, if I open the dialog from the
application, the help window and the dialog can be moved independently of
one another, and the help window always is redrawn.

You can reply directly to dkimmel -at- ctcusa -dot- com


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