importing EPS graphics in FrameMaker

Subject: importing EPS graphics in FrameMaker
From: Melissa Fisher <mfisher -at- AUTOMATEDLOGIC -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 10:54:41 -0400

This is mostly a FrameMaker question, and cross-posted to the FrameMaker
Sorry for occupying bandwidth, but time is getting tight if I must use my
of last resort...

Here is my situation: I am creating a 4-color reference card showing +/-200
computer software icons, using FrameMaker 5.5 on Win98. I intend to deliver
.ps file to my printing company with which they claim to be able to produce
4-color cards.

Each icon began its life as an RGB bitmap, which I first converted to a CMYK
tiff in Paint Shop Pro. In FrameMaker, and in the subsequent .pdf file, the
icons all appear to be too dark. It is important that I get a closer match
the "real" color. So, I tried converting the bitmaps instead to color EPS,
using Paint Shop Pro and again using Canvas. In both cases, the color
truer in FrameMaker but the graphic does not import at the appropriate size
bmp or tiff, 96 dpi). FrameMaker does not give me a dpi option when
the eps file as it does when I import the tiff, and if I try to manually
the graphic down it looks just as bad as it does in the too-large size. (And
size, on this particular document, is very important as we have already made
this reference card as big as we dare.)


1- Is there a way to better control the size of an eps graphic I am
2- Is there yet another graphic format I could use?
3- Am I correct in assuming that if my tiffs look too dark in FrameMaker and
.pdf, that they will be equally unacceptable in print?
4- Am I better off just taking the time to convert this thing to PageMaker?

Thanks for any help or advice,
Melissa Fisher
mfisher -at- automatedlogic -dot- com

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