Re: TW impaired CW?

Subject: Re: TW impaired CW?
From: Melissa Morgan <mmorgan -at- INTREPID -dot- CDG-HARGRAY -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 13:12:55 -0500


Um, I think he was being sarcastic in that it takes quite a lot of
"creative" writing and thinking to fill in the informational gaps
that SMEs so often leave. Maybe I read his posting wrong, though....

Nah, John's a very intelligent guy...certainly smart enough to know
the difference between Moby Dick and the IBM AS/400 system manual.
Perhaps he should have made his sarcasm a little more clear, but maybe
I've just read enough of his posts to know what he meant.


>Technical writing and creative writing are the same thing in that they are
>both forms of writing. However, the audience can differ dramatically.
>Typically, technical writing provides documentation for the instructional
>informational purposes. Thus, the writing is very detailed and the
>information simply put. Clarity becomes a main issue as does format.

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