Free-lance without degree

Subject: Free-lance without degree
From: Stephanie_Jagielski -at- AAL -dot- ORG
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 13:37:54 -0500

Hi All!

Trust me here, I swear I have searched the archives, but nothing I could
find seemed to directly pertain to my question. I am a college student
interning for the summer as a technical writer. I do not...yet... have my
BA, but I am beginning to secure myself some free-lance editing, not all of
which is technical (if you have a reference for that I would greatly
appreciate it too). Please keep in mind that this question is only
pertaining to situations without a college degree, I am aware that this
general topic has been discussed before, but I just wanted to know if there
are any special circumstances for individuals either working on or without
a degree.

By how much money do prices fluctuate depending on experience? Or do
they at all?

More over, how much would you pay a free-lance editor with strong skills
but no piece of paper saying so? What is a fair price without over or
under charging?

Thanks in advance for any response get to this. If I did miss this in the
archives, I apologize in advance (let me know what to search under, since I
couldn't find it).

S. Anne

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