Re: Can someone learn to be detail-oriented?

Subject: Re: Can someone learn to be detail-oriented?
From: Jim Cort <jcort -at- TOTALTEL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 13:01:51 -0400

I have to chime in here on the side of: Don't believe everything you hear.

Last year I worked at a small firm and found myself reporting to the CEO. I
was told about her, and she herself said, that she had very high standards.
"I have very high standards", she said.

What I learned too late was that this was a code phrase in that company for
"she always insists on her own way". Her standards were not so much high as
they were personal, and she was frequently misinformed, sometimes just plain
clueless, but always adamant. No one, I found out, could stand to work with

It's easy to apply tags to people and think you understand them. Be careful
of taking anything at face value.

Jim Cort
Technical Writer
Jcort -at- total -dot- com <mailto:Jcort -at- total -dot- com>

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