Re: Suggestions for user manual with alternate versions

Subject: Re: Suggestions for user manual with alternate versions
From: "Wesley T. Reisz" <wtreisz -at- RAQUE -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 15:05:26 -0400

>>I searched the archives, but found few topics related to my question.

>>Is there a graceful way to document different versions of software in
>>the same user manual?<snip>

I write custom manuals for automated production lines and processing
machinery. Although each of the machines are technically similar equipment,
the machines, the touchscreens used to control the machines, and their
actual makeup is continually in flux.

My first attempt to control the documentation was a large catch all. I tried
to put any and all information on specific machines in single volumous
manuals. It didn't work! The readers (who, first of all, tended to be lower
on the literacy totem pole) had problems understanding why there were
different instructions for the same machine, would confuse procedures, and
finally tended to find the manual contradictory. Perhaps that was my fault,
who knows. Long story short... If you can maintain a separate manual, do it.

Yes... it's time consuming and difficult to maintain (I use a database to
help me), but I've had more success at communication with targeted manuals.
Each circumstance is different, but for what it's worth that's my two cents
worth. Best of luck!

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