RE: Resumes/Interviewing

Subject: RE: Resumes/Interviewing
From: Scottie Lover <iluvscotties -at- mindspring -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 20:43:05 -0500

At 06:51 PM 11/30/99 , MAGGIE SECARA wrote:

>I've always--and I do mean always--thought a
>statement of objective was pretty lame.

When I was job-hunting about ten years ago, the first thing I learned was
to bury "Network Database Adminstrator" since I hated doing that and didn't
want to repeat it -- but everyone kept calling me for that sort of position
until I moved it to the second page of my resume.

The next thing I learned was to include an objective. At that time, I knew
onel language almost backwards, and wanted to develop systems using that
language. Until I put XYZ DEVELOPER as my objective, I was inundated with
calls for other types of positions. (And, yes, I found what I wanted.)

After that experience, my personal opinion is that you should list an
objective ONLY if you're looking for something very specific, and have
experience which could otherwise waste your time with calls for other types
of positions. Obviously, if you're seeking any possible interview, or are
open to different types of positions, limiting your objective would be a
major drawback.


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