Resumes (slightly OT?)

Subject: Resumes (slightly OT?)
From: "Robert E. Garland" <robert -at- jtan -dot- com>
To: Techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 21:59:05 -2900 (EST)

On the general topic of resumes and recruiters ...

I get a steady flow through my mailbox, because I want to keep up with
the market. Many postings to the net are really fun to read.

There is the DICE posting for an evening school trainer at $35 per hour
that starts out saying, in effect, that you don't need to know much.
Then in the second paragraph, requires all the certifications.

There is another which seeks a BS in Engineering to teach basic
electronics at a tech school for $16.25 per hour. Serious overkill on
the instructor quals, and serious underpayment for the qualifications

Many, many, typographical errors in the listings.

In reading many of the postings, it appears that the recruiters failed
basic English in high school.

And finally, the ProHire listings that don't even describe the position.
They just give the title. Remember how closely the job title relates
to the job?

E-mail me privately, and I'll forward some of the funnier ones.

Robert Garland Amateur Radio Station NX3S
Hilltown Township Bucks County Grid FN20ii
Pennsylvania USA robert -at- jtan -dot- com

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