Re: Graduate school: Utah State's online program

Subject: Re: Graduate school: Utah State's online program
From: Bettina and Scott Wahl <bbormann -at- netcom -dot- ca>
To: megan -dot- rock -at- fanucrobotics -dot- com, techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 17:39:13 -0500


I am currently enrolled in the online Master's in Technical Writing program at
Utah State University. I am just finishing my second course now. I have found
the courses very interesting and relevant to my full-time job as a technical

The first course I took was on usability testing; the instructor was George
Hayhoe, editor of the STC journal Technical Communication. I learned how to plan
and conduct usability tests, analyze the results, and propose product changes.
I've used all these skills at my job.

The course I'm currently taking has been on web site information architecture.
In this course, I have learned principles and various strategies for designing
web sites, and worked with groups and on my own to create web sites. Again, I
have or will use everything I've learned in my job.

It has been a great pleasure to get to know people from all over Canada and the
U.S. It has also been a valuable learning experience to participate in
discussions and complete group projects online.

I chose this program because it is fully accredited, has a good range of
courses, and has reasonable fees for out-of-state students. It also offers
courses in the summer, which allows you to finish the program a little sooner if
you want.

Bottom line: I have been very pleased with the program so far and I plan to
continue with it.

I'd be happy to answer any more detailed questions off-line.


Scott Wahl

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