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RE: Hosted Applications - Documentation and Help Systems
Subject:RE: Hosted Applications - Documentation and Help Systems From:"Giordano, Connie" <Connie -dot- Giordano -at- FMR -dot- COM> To:"'Techwhirl Reader'" <techwhirl -at- mail -dot- technicalcommunication -dot- com>, TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Fri, 10 Dec 1999 09:14:18 -0500
I just started here on such an application suite two months ago. We're
planning to deliver a form of html or web help, depending on what works best
in testing it. My primary challenge so far is figuring out how to make a
browse sequence display in compiled html help to users (actually internal
testing folks) accessing from a server. We're using robohelp 2000 and I'm
still a relative newbie at html help, so it may be a pretty easy solution
for others.
Otherwise we're dealing with some issues of consistency in UI elements. I'm
extremely fortunate in working with a development team who considers UI
issues up front, and considering the rapid pace of web app development,
there don't seem to be any industry "standards" in the same way there are
for windows apps such as the MS development standards. I'd be interested in
learning if any other whirlers have found any resources on this issue.
Connie Giordano
-----Original Message-----
From: Techwhirl Reader
Hello all,
My question is, anyone working on such a thing out there, and how are you
handling it, what are you experiencing, etc. when developing help systems
for it, or documenting it in general?