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How do you handle: Identical commands having a variety of titles? ?
Subject:How do you handle: Identical commands having a variety of titles? ? From:Jane Post <Jane -at- asconline -dot- com> To:"'TECHWR-L'" <TECHWR-L -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM> Date:Fri, 17 Dec 1999 11:09:29 -0500
In our application, we have both a toolbar plus pull-down and shortcut
menus. A command might occur on any or all of these, but do not always
appear with the identical title. For instance, STATS appears on the toolbar
but appears as POOL STATISTICS in the menus.
The developers must use the brief name on the toolbar as a longer name can't
be displayed. I list the commands for each window with a popup providing an
explanation of the command.
I've recommended that only 1 title be used for a command....but that fell on
deaf ears.
Would you list BOTH the long and short form (STATS, POOL STATISTICS or would
you use STATS, see POOL STATISTICS to reference the command.
NOTES: There are instances when 3 titles reference the same command
a command having only 1 title performs differently depending on where it was