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Subject:Re: Weird Word Paragraph Style Name From:"David M. Brown" <dmbrown -at- brown-inc -dot- com> To:David Chisma <dchisma -at- retaildir -dot- com -dot- au> Date:Mon, 20 Dec 1999 16:51:19 -0800
David Chisma wrote:
> For example Heading 2 is named 'Heading 2,H2,heading 2,2'.
This means you can specify the name any of four ways:
* Heading 2
* H2
* heading 2
* 2
The first one is the "real" name; the others, separated by commas, are "nicknames."
In Word, if you press Ctrl+Shift+S, you can type in the style name and press Enter to apply it.
Given how long it can take Word to load and display the list, it might be easier to type Ctrl+Shift+S, 2, Enter than to move your hand to the mouse, point at the drop-down list, and select the Heading 2 style.
David M. Brown - Brown Inc.
dmbrown -at- brown-inc -dot- com