Re: Everyday [was: Style question: "war dial" vs. "wardial" vs. "war-dial"]
At 17:17 04/02/2004, Goldstein, Dan wrote:
The BBC reported today that, "the number of copies of the virus being caught everyday are swiftly diminishing."
This adverbial usage of "everyday" would be considered incorrect in the US. Is it correct in the UK?
No, but it's annoyingly common. I'm often amused when I see it in advertising, where the point of the word is that the service or whatever is offered or available on all days. The effect on me is different: that the service is "everyday" in the sense of commonplace, ordinary, unspectacular - hardly what the advertiser intends.
Brian Barker (London, UK)
RE: Style question: "war dial" vs. "wardial" vs. "war-dial": From: Goldstein, Dan
RE: Everyday [was: Style question: "war dial" vs. "wardial" vs. "war-dial"]: From: Brian Barker
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