Re: Everyday [was: Style question: "war dial" vs. "wardial" vs. "war-dial"]
Anameier, Christine A - Eagan, MN wrote:
I recast the sentence to sidestep the whole issue and made a
mental note to avoid "whom" in future documents. The perceived
snootiness of it is enough to make that reviewer whip out the red pen,
which usually results in some collateral damage to the document. Not
worth it.
You're onto something there. A few words--and whom is certainly one of them--are frequently tossed in, completely inappropriately and with the opposite effect to that intended, to make the speaker sound smarter. So when they _are_ used correctly, people get all hinky on you.
That settles it. I'm changing the title of that book in my
library. Red magic marker. Now it says "Who The Bell Tolls For."
Re: Everyday [was: Style question: "war dial" vs. "wardial" vs. "war-dial"]: From: Anameier, Christine A - Eagan, MN
Re: Everyday [was: Style question: "war dial" vs. "wardial" vs. "war-dial"]: From: Dick Margulis
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