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Subject:Re: robohelp 8 printed doc issue From:Pro TechWriter <pro -dot- techwriter -at- gmail -dot- com> To:Gregory P Sweet <gps03 -at- health -dot- state -dot- ny -dot- us> Date:Tue, 22 Feb 2011 13:29:44 -0600
Hi Greg:
What version of RoboHelp?
If it is RoboHelp 8 HTML, check the following:
In the Conditional Build Tags pod (which should be located at the bottom
left of the window, under the Project Manager pod) check that the topics
have both Print and Online selections applied to them.
For other versions of RoboHelp, search the Help for "conditional build tags"
and check that Print is selected for all the topics, including the topics
that will not print.
Hope this helps and good luck,
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Gregory P Sweet
<gps03 -at- health -dot- state -dot- ny -dot- us>wrote:
> All,
> I've got a Robohelp project that has three topics that simply refuse to be
> included in the prinited documentation output (word doc). One topic is
> included but show text from several versions ago and two topics simply fail
> to show up at all. All of the topics are tagged to be included int he
> prinited document output.
> Anyone ever seen or reolved this or simmilliar? Google has yet to reveal
> and answer.
> Thanks,
> -Greg
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