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Speaking of Flash vs HTML5...( was RE: RE: Most innovative user doc output
Subject:Speaking of Flash vs HTML5...( was RE: RE: Most innovative user doc output From:"McLauchlan, Kevin" <Kevin -dot- McLauchlan -at- safenet-inc -dot- com> To:Nancy Allison <maker -at- verizon -dot- net>, "techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com> Date:Wed, 20 Jun 2012 16:05:51 -0400
Nancy Allison wrote:
> -- Innovative technology: Interactivity with user, intelligently
> applied multi-media (Flash things you actually want to use, for
> example, instead of being dreaded time-wasters).
My sense was that Flash will be around a while longer, but
that it's officially past its best-before date and in decline.
Apple wins that argument...
I also understand that HTML5 has pretty-much arrived
as the successor... except in the sense of wide-spread
use, but that's growing as we speak.
Can somebody who has produced Flash output (whether
for your employer's documentation or for your own
website/blog), and who is now creating equivalent
material via HTML5, please give us the thousand-foot
comparison? (Note, that's not the 20,000-foot view,
which is too removed to be helpful, and not the 5-foot
view which is too nitty-gritty for current need.)
I'm thinking of examples like "to produce this effect
in Flash, I used to do xyz, and now I generate pretty
much the equivalent in HTML5 using the zyx tags,
commands, structures..."
For another example, what sort of tool would you
use to create a one-minute "Flash animation"... except
not Flash... but an equivalent HTML5 animation instead??
Readers of your docs/site/blog who wanted to view
the Flash video needed to download a plug-in. Do
they need to do the same for your new one, or is
the capability native to any modern browser that
supports HTML5?
- k
(If that's too vague, just wing it... :-) )
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