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Re: IBM is having a Yahoo moment: No more working from home
Subject:Re: IBM is having a Yahoo moment: No more working from home From:Joe Pairman <joepairman -at- gmail -dot- com> To:techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com Date:Sat, 11 Feb 2017 11:37:46 +0000
The over-the-ear Bose QuietComfort headphones are quite good. Reasonably
comfy, as the name suggests, and they cut out a lot of noise & chatter even
without any music on.
The only problem is that you can't even hear yourself properly on a Skype
call, so you end up bellowing, making it more difficult for colleagues to
get work done!
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 at 07:48, Helen OBoyle <hoboyle -at- gmail -dot- com> wrote:
> รข
> I'm a bit challenged by the headphone culture. I don't find them
> comfortable and find music distracting (I've got a pattern-seeking brain
> good for reverse-engineering code, but not so good for trying to do
> anything with music playing in the background). But yeah, we do plenty of
> meetings over Skype with people in the company's other office in a
> different state or overseas, and that's really a great help.
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