Query: STC Membership/Use of STC Stuff

Subject: Query: STC Membership/Use of STC Stuff
From: Eric Ray <ejray -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 10:07:39 CDT

Hi folks,

After all of this discussion about STC on the Internet
and access to STC stuff over the internet, I am
curious. I would be very interested in knowing just how
many of you are STC members and how many of you (both
STC members and non-members) are interested in
accessing things like the STC bulletin board and/or
jobs list over the Internet. I guess my question is
more about what you would use STC internet access for
and if you are currently involved with STC than it is
about the "worth" of having STC on the Net.

Please respond to me personally, unless you have
something to add which you think would interest people
on the list. While I don't see much point in belaboring
the question of *if* STC should be on the net,
productive discussion of *what to do* with STC on the
Net might not be a bad idea.

I'll start it off. I am an STC member (Oklahoma State
University Student Chapter), and I would use the job
list, discussion forums, and would like to be able to
contact the main office and get information via E-mail
instead of FAX and mail.

ejray -at- okway -dot- okstate -dot- edu

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