Many Thanks

Subject: Many Thanks
From: Irene Plokar <plokar -at- TOULOUSE -dot- VIRTUALPROTOTYPES -dot- CA>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 16:01:13 -0400

Many thanks to all who responded to my FrameMaker vs Ventura question. It was
surprising to find how many satisfied FrameMaker users there are out there.
Here are just a few of the responses:

"All in all, I like FrameMaker a lot -- I've done lots of documentation and
forms development and find it easy to use with lots of flexibility."

"Frame beats Ventura for long documents."

"FrameMaker's indexing is brilliant, among the best I have ever seen."

"FrameMaker's greatest strength (for me at least) is that the documents are
extremely portable. I can work on a document on my Sun, put it on a floppy,
take it home and carry on working on it on my PC as if nothing had changed."

"Overall, I find FrameMaker a more powerful tool than Ventura."

We're more or less sold on FrameMaker particularly since we'll be doing
on-line documentation in the near future and Ventura Publisher offers no
support for on-line creation, viewing, and distribution.

As one of the many pro-FrameMaker articles puts it,

"The reigning leader for long documents, Ventura Publisher, has lost its
seat to FrameMaker 3.0 for Windows. FrameMaker's conditional text lets you
turn any magnum opus into a series of customized opera. Combined with a
powerful equation editor, advanced table of contents and index generation
capabilities, and support for on-line viewing and distribution, FrameMaker
brings next-generation document publishing to the PC."
(PC Magazine, Feb. 9, 1993)

Once again thanks for your invaluable feedback!


Irene Plokar, Senior Technical Writer
Virtual Prototypes Inc.,
Suite 318, 5252 De Maisonneuve O.
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H4A 3S5
(514) 483-4712, fax (514) 483-1184
plokar -at- VirtualPrototypes -dot- CA

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