block lettering (readability)

Subject: block lettering (readability)
From: LaVonna Funkhouser <lffunkhouser -at- HALNET -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 17:31:28 -0600

I've read (although I have no sources*) that all caps
is very difficult to read for most audiences. (I know
that it is difficult for me.)

However, in a recent class, every student was assigned a
brief presentation that included bringing "handouts" for
everyone else. One student typed his in ALL CAPS! And
in Helvetica no less! I harassed him during a break and mentioned
the readability thing, but he had this explanation: As
a broadcast journalist, he reads copy in caps all the time
so it is what he is used to reading and typing. Apparently
all the stuff that comes in "over the wire" are in all caps, too.
Ditto for teleprompters.

That was all news to me, so I thought you might find it interesting, too.

Of course, he should have realized that his audience was not
all broadcast journalists (this was a communications class).


* If you have sources that back up my claim, please provide. Thanks.

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