Summary on "casualties"

Subject: Summary on "casualties"
From: KC Warren <warrenk -at- ODO -dot- CSOS -dot- ORST -dot- EDU>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 20:42:02 GMT

Hi gang. I posted the following survey a few months ago to this newsgroup
and the alt.usage.english newsgroup:

>> The author of the following sentence claims that the use of the
>> word "casualties" is clear. I say it's ambiguous. Here it is:
>> Kaplin's data show that car-bike collisions caused only
>> a small fraction of cyclist casualties (17% in his study).
>> How do you interpret the word "casualties" in this context?
>> A) injuries (minor, requiring a doctor visit)
>> B) injuries (major, requiring hospitalization)
>> C) property damage
>> D) death
>> E) a combination of the above (please list by letter)
>> F) all of the above

A total of 12 people responded:

6 - minor injuries, major injuries, and death
3 - death
2 - major injuries and death
1 - minor injuries, major injuries, property damage, and death

Note that everyone agreed casualties could mean death. The author *insists*
the word means injuries and property damage. He's going to love this

Thanks so much for your help!

| KC Warren |
| warrenk -at- csos -dot- orst -dot- edu "Question authority and all statistics" |

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