Re: "killer"?

Subject: Re: "killer"?
From: Arthur Comings <atc -at- CORTE-MADERA -dot- GEOQUEST -dot- SLB -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 09:50:08 PST

> > We are a small company that is producing a large documentation set
> > for our killer client/server product (currently under development).

> What exactly does this mean? Is this really common jargon in the industry
> now? This is the second or third time I've seen this term used on the
> list and I hate it. In my experience, "killer" means "great" or "really
> cool", which seems like a stupid label for software. So what does it mean
> in this context?

On top of the super-positive implications you've already noted, it just
shuts down the competition dead.

It is a funny word. I think that the fact that we even have the heads
of large corporations proudly searching for the "killer app" says a lot
about our current culture: what we tolerate and what we feel we need to
do to get attention.

Maybe someone should try talking about their "software assult weapon."


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