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Subject:Disciplines within Tech Comm From:Regina Doorlay <regina -at- HPBBLB -dot- BBN -dot- HP -dot- COM> Date:Tue, 6 Dec 1994 15:17:18 +0100
> Joseph J Little asked:
> Can someone explain human performance evaluation and analysis?
I assume that this is another term for Human Factors. Here is a definition
from the newsgroup comp.human-factors:
Alphonse Chapanis [EB note: I'm not sure of his exact title; he's a
retired professor of HFE at Johns Hopkins University; anyone know?]
stated it well in an article in the November 1991 issue of the Human
Factors Society Bulletin:
"Human Factors is a body of knowledge about human limitations, human
abilities, and other human characteristics that are relevant to design."
"Human Factors Engineering is the application of human factors
information to the design of tools, machines, systems, tasks, jobs,
and environments for safe, comfortable, and effective human use."
The newsgroup comp.human-factors focuses on the discovery and
application of human factors information to the design of systems,
software, hardware, and environments related to the use of computers.
[EB note: The society was still called HFS then, so I think the
reference should retain that name.]
From: perlman -at- cis -dot- ohio-state -dot- edu (Gary Perlman)
Date: 10 Mar 1994 07:55:09 -0500
Regina Doorlay / Internet: regina -at- hpbbn -dot- bbn -dot- hp -dot- com
Network & System Mgmt Div /_ __ HPDesk: Regina Doorlay/HPGRMY/02
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