Re: MSWord problem

Subject: Re: MSWord problem
From: Valerie Archambeau <varchamb -at- MIDWAY -dot- UCHICAGO -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 11:14:14 -0600


I'm not sure what your "next line" is (new paragraph? heading? same
paragraph?) so my suggestions will be a little broad. (These are
instructions for Mac MS Word 5.1a, but the functions should be similar).

Check your settings within the "Paragraph" menu. The pagination controls
("Page Break Before," "Keep with Next," and "Keep Lines Together") may be
causing the problem. On the other hand, they may be the solution to your

You may also want to check the "Spacing" for the next line and adjust if

I hope this helps,


At 7:03 PM 12/04/1994 +0000, Margaret Redding wrote:
>I'm editing some papers in MSWord (6.0), formatting the text in columns.

>I find that sometimes I cannot get my columns to balance at the bottom.
>There seems to be room to put another line of text at the bottom of a
>column, but I cannot persude the text to stay there.

>I have turned of widows and orphans protection, but still the problem

>Has anyone had experience of this problem (and solved it)?

>Thanks for any help.

>Margaret Redding
>Margaret Redding ab555 -at- freenet -dot- carleton -dot- ca
>Ottawa, Ontario

Valerie Archambeau
Academic Information Technologies
The University of Chicago
varchamb -at- midway -dot- uchicago -dot- edu

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