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Re: Professional Liability Insurance for Technical Writers
Subject:Re: Professional Liability Insurance for Technical Writers From:"Robert W. Jones" <shaka -at- NETCOM -dot- COM> Date:Fri, 16 Dec 1994 08:30:03 -0800
I've a copy of the Golden Eagle Insurance liability application. U wanna
reach them at P. O. Box 85826, San Diego, CA 92186-5826. Fax 619
463-3724. The application looks very simple on the surface if you are
familiar with insurance and legal jargon, but you must provide business
records (contracts, tax returns, resume, published or promotional
material etc.) with your application.
On Thu, 15 Dec 1994, Cathy Godwin wrote:
> In response to Mary Headley's request for info,
> > Could you also forward a copy of the info you find out about
> > carriers for liability insurance to me. Thank you very much.
> here's what I have so far:
> Golden Eagle: (619) 463-5800, San Diego, CA
> Professional Managers, Inc.: (312) 559-0101, Chicago, IL
> Tudor Insurance Co.: (201) 825-3300, Ramsey, NJ
> The broker I'm working with is Bill Rush of Moore, Rush, and Wood at
> (408) 296-3433. (Bill seems like a good guy!)
> Getting a quote takes a week or two, so I'll post the numbers after
> the first of the year. Hope this helps. Happy Holidays!