Out or in...

Subject: Out or in...
From: Sonja Draeger <sonja -at- HPATO -dot- AUS -dot- HP -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 15:17:05 EDT


G'day all,

I've been sitting on the side (down-under) for a month or so now, keeping up
with (most) of the threads, but now a question has come up and it's time to ask
for some opinions please.

Given the following two layout styles, and the fact that we are using color for
headings, numbers, and bullets, is there a reason for using one layout instead
of the other?

Layout 1

| Text text text text text text |
| text text text text text text. |
| 1 Text text. |
| 2 Text text. |
| Text text text text text text |
| text text text text text text. |
| * Text text. |
| * Text text. |

Layout 2

| Text text text text text text |
| text text text text text text. |
| 1 Text text. |
| 2 Text text. |
| Text text text text text text |
| text text text text text text. |
| * Text text. |
| * Text text. |

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Sonja Draeger
Learning Products Developer
Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd

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