Re: Mac files to PC

Subject: Re: Mac files to PC
From: Marcy Baker Hartman <catguest -at- ISVPROG -dot- EBAY -dot- SUN -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 19:41:48 GMT

In article AA36086 -at- microndns -dot- micron -dot- com, WBURNS -at- vax -dot- micron -dot- com writes:
?Okay, I hope this question doesn't expose me to a lot of ridicule (although
?that's never stopped me before). Here's the problem. I wrote my thesis
?on in Word on a Macintosh Classic. I've got copies of it, and I'm still able
?print it off if I need to. However, since I use a PC now, I'd much rather have
?a copy that I can manipulate on that platform. I've been wanting to work over
?some sections for publication and would really much rather send something
?formatted in Frame than in Word.

Greetings, Bill:

You can transfer your Mac data as a text file. Just perform the following
steps (from memory, so you may need to check your manual):

1. Format a diskette on your DOS machine.
2. Make sure you have installed the Apple File Exchange utility
which will be found on the Utilities diskette which came with
your Mac.
3. Make sure the Word file (thesis) is on your hard disk.
4. Start the Apple File Exchange program. Use the settings menu
to select Mac to DOS text transfer.
5. Find the Word file in the left-side list and click to select it.
6. Insert the DOS diskette. It's name (if any) will appear at the
top of the right-side list, which should be blank.
7. Click on the appropriate Transfer button, and the text transfer
will be performed automatically.

I believe these steps will guide you through the process, although you
may need to refer to your user's manual if you want to use any special
filters. Some verisons of the Apple File Exchange program include Word
to Word filters, but I have not yet seen one that converts Word to Frame.

Remember, you will probably not be able to transfer any formatting to your
DOS file, so you will have to reformat the thesis, but you won't have to
retype it.

Hope this helps. 8^}


"When I think back to all the cr*p Marcy Baker Hartman
I learned in high school, its a Technical Publications Consultant
wonder I can think at all." trillian -at- netcom -dot- com
- Paul Simon - catguest -at- isvprog -dot- Ebay -dot- Sun -dot- COM

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