paperless docs, minimal manuals

Subject: paperless docs, minimal manuals
From: jg <jg2525 -at- SIRIUS -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 01:28:18 -0800

I am fairly new to tech writing, but not to learning software - so maybe I
have an user's point of view?

How can you MASTER a program when you just have online help?

I want to read a manual and let it tell me all sorts of little things the
program can do that never occurred to me.

Using online help, if you don't ask the right questions, you'll never
learn much but the most basic things the program does.

I just got a new Mac with Clarisworks 2. something and a minimalist manual
and I swear I will never voluntarily buy a Claris product.

I tried using it, as I had to make a drawing, something I know nothing
about, and the help system just looped me around and around. And the
manual just told me to go to the online help.

Minimalist manuals are ridiculous, and they will make IDG publications rich.

just my opinion.


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