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Subject:Perils of not proofreading... From:"Westra, Kayla L." <13718westr -at- KCPBLDG01 -dot- BV -dot- COM> Date:Mon, 14 Aug 1995 13:07:00 CDT
Yikes! Friday afternoon "I'm not going to edit this" mistake! Then again,
maybe I wanted to count the people who agreed with me? Bad pun intended.
Conan the Grammarian versus the Hulkster? I'd pay to see that.
Off to work on the screenplay for _Conan the Grammarslayer_..."
Conan Counter-Rebuts Kayla*:
That's conSensus!
p.s. Point well taken on even grammar books disagreeing.
*Sounds like either a new film or a pro wrestling promo!