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Subject:Re: TM symbol problems.. a solution From:"Laura Lemay, Killer of Trees" <lemay -at- LNE -dot- COM> Date:Mon, 28 Aug 1995 16:06:41 -0800
>I just found from a list inside of Hotdog that to get the TM symbol do the
>following. I tired it and it worked just dandy..
The <SUP> tag is HTML 3.0 and is only supported by one or two browsers.
The Big Three (Netscape, Mosaic, lynx) do not, as far as I know. What
browser were you using to see this where it worked?
This is one of my larger complaints about HotDog; it may be a nifty editor,
but since it supports every HTML tag anyone has ever concieved of
including those from proposed specifications, you really have to know
what you're doing in order to use it and still end up with pages that are
readable with current browser technology.
lemay -at- lne -dot- com
ps: <font size=1> is a Netscape-only tag that changes the font size to
very very small.