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Subject:Re: On-line help tools for SGI From:Chet Ensign <Chet_Ensign%LDS -at- NOTES -dot- WORLDCOM -dot- COM> Date:Wed, 30 Aug 1995 09:58:20 EDT
Does anybody get the idea that I'm catching up with my mail here?
>>If you want to go with something that's related to Frame, check out
>>Olias instead. (Frame recently bought HaL, the makers of Olias.)
>>To contact HaL, call: (512)834-9962. I'm not very familiar with Olias,
>>but it's another option you could look at.
Olias is a UNIX-based general SGML browser. It can be used for Web browsing,
SGML file display, online doc/help, etc. I don't believe that Frame bought
them, I think that it is an exclusive licensing agreement. (Frame wanted an
SGML browser, HAL -- a rather big and diversified company -- couldn't figure
out what to do with Olias.)
I don't know what the pricing model is for Olias vs. DynaText, but in many ways
it could be considered the same general class of program.
Logical Design Solutions
571 Central Avenue
Murray Hill, NJ 07974 censign -at- lds -dot- com [email]
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