what is "psydo-spam"?

Subject: what is "psydo-spam"?
From: Susan Fowler <sfowler -at- EJV -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 08:47:54 EDT

Reminds me of a time I was interviewing writers for a job. One gentleman had
most of the necessary credentials but not all. We found someone we liked
better, and sent thank-you notes to the runners-up, including him.

Big mistake in this case. He called up, raving: "Why didn't you hire me! I have
everything you need! You're making a big mistake!" and so on and so forth.

My superior, the receptionist, and I carefully wrote his name down so that we
would never, ever, interview or talk to him again.

--Susan Fowler


Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 15:41:32 -0400
From: Scott Needels <needel_d_s -at- LUCY -dot- FINDLAY -dot- EDU>
Subject: Pysdo-spam from Findlay

Thanks to Debbie L., Lois H., and Elisa M. for not falling to the
depths some others in this group have and by actually taking the requests from
this particular University of Findlay student seriously.
As for the rest of their "peers" in this discussion group, it may be
true that some of the questions posed by my fellow classmates weren't as
"LEARNED" as yours and some may have just been filling a class requirement.
This policy of bashing those not of your "level" is not only an injustice to
yourself but your profession as well.
For all the stupidity you have accused us of, you haven't exactly come
off as anyone of high intelect.
My heartfelt thanks, once again to the afore mentioned trio and to all
who had the sense to just delete the messages that have troubled your whining
"peers" so.
Scott Needels
p.s. For those who care, yes, I will be unsubscribing.

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