Sign-offs, Checklists, and Guidelines

Subject: Sign-offs, Checklists, and Guidelines
From: "Eric J. Ray" <ejray -at- GALAXY -dot- GALSTAR -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 08:26:00 -0500

Hey, all!

We had one of those "getting our collective ducks in a row"
meetings today and I came out with a couple of little projects.
Help would be appreciated.

Short Version:
We need to get set up with appropriate
* document sign-off forms for SMEs
* editing checklists for peer review at different levels
* editing/review guidelines along the lines of
Mary Fran Buehler's JPL Levels of Edit.
If anyone has a copy of any of the above (or information about the
processes you've found useful or problematic) handy, please E-mail
it my direction. Eric -dot- Ray -at- Wcom -dot- com -dot-

Long Version:
* We're looking for CYA forms for SME sign-offs. Ideally they'll
impose deadlines, consequences, and implicit approval of unreviewed
documents. Something along the lines of "by signing this document
I acknowledge the accuracy (with changes as indicated) of this document"

* We're formalizing our peer review process and would like a check
list of things to make sure to look at. Organization, parallelism,
sentence structure, use of visuals, etc. are items we've
thought of. This would be a list to staple to the front of all
documents under review. Some of the documents will be early
drafts, some final documents, and most somewhere in between. A
comprehensive check list would be great.

* Just to cut the time involved in explaining what kind of feedback
we want on particular documents, we're going to move to a JPL-type
system. If someone's got an electronic copy of the JPL levels of edit,
I'd appreciate having that. (Yes, I've already purchased it from
STC but would prefer not having to rekey it to make modifications.) If
you've got a modified version that works better in your organization,
that would be wonderful. I LIKE learning from other people's experiences.

Finally, if anyone has experience with any of the above to contribute,
please send it to the list. If we're heading down the primrose
path, please let us know before it's too late.

Many thanks for the help.


Eric J. Ray | Eric -dot- Ray -at- wcom -dot- com
WorldCom, Inc. | W: 918-588-4140
1 Williams Center 29-5 | F: 918-588-2372
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74172 | P: 918-690-1314

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