Re: Boring Discussions

Subject: Re: Boring Discussions
From: "Susan W. Gallagher" <sgallagher -at- EXPERSOFT -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 13:09:19 -0800

At 9:28 AM 12/12/95, Jim T. Lindsey wrote:
>Dear Willard:

>Welcome to the world. Tech writing *is* boring but it pays well and can be
>done well if the professionals pay attention. Boring is not necessarily
>bad, once your head stops spinning. Relax. Nothing happens.

I dunno where you work, Jim, but I wonder how any job for which the
basic description is "learn stuff and tell other people about it"
could ever get boring. I've been a tech writer since 1983, and in
all that time, I've had one job that lasted long enough for me to
get bored -- and the main reason why I got bored on that job was
that I wasn't able to expand the job the way I wanted to. Had I
been given the leeway to increase my job responsibilities the way
I wanted to, I'd probably still be there.

I answered Willard directly -- about the way discussions on techwr-l
sometimes get boring. That was my take on the point of his message. I
didn't think he was inferring that tech writing itself was boring, only
that we (well, some of us) sometimes are. ;-)

As far as the *profession* is concerned, I've done a lot of things to
put food on the table and a roof over my head, and tech writing is
the least boring of any of them!

Just my $.02

Sue Gallagher
Expersoft Corporation
San Diego, CA
sgallagher -at- expersoft -dot- com

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