SME definitions, please

Subject: SME definitions, please
From: Tom Kohn <tkohn -at- MAILHUB -dot- SCITEXDPI -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 10:17:45 -0500

Chris Hulin <chrish -at- SPIDERNET -dot- COM -dot- CY> asked on Wed, 14 Feb 1996
08:56:52 +0300>>>
* What's an SME? Is it "ess-em-ee" or "Smee". We haven't any where I

Chris, consider yourself both extremely fortunate and damned to a
Sisyphisian search, if you haven't any SMEs (subject matter experts)
where you work. - Some work climates have many who claim to be
SMEs who are actually full only of attitude. -Some work climates have a
few SMEs who provide lots of information, and information that they
themselves find extremely interesting, but which is less than useful to
your audience. (Nevertheless, the SME insists that such information be
included in the book.) -Some work climates have SMEs who provide
reliable information only when prodded, cajoled, or bribed to research the
topic before providing what would better be described as an opinion.
-Some SMEs, who usually eschew the name, are a vein of gold in the
mountain of source material.
Tom Kohn tkohn -at- scitexdpi -dot- com

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