Re: Ransom notes

Subject: Re: Ransom notes
From: rjl -at- BOSTECH -dot- COM
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 19:13:18 EST

Melissa said:

>I bet we've all seen newsletters (even manuals!) that have five different
>fonts and several different shades of gray on a page. I call this the ransom
>note school of typography.

I've been calling those manuals "overproduced," but I like Melissa's term
better. It's catchier.

And I agree with both Melissa and Nancy Hayes on this: it's too seductive to
feel that unless you're using all those features, you're not getting your
money's worth out of the DTP (or WP) package. "We -can- do this to the
page, so we should!" seems to be the philosophy in too many cases.

Sure, it's nice to have -some- variety on the page. But we need to be careful
that we don't get carried away.

Rick Lippincott
Boston Technology
Wakefield, MA
rjl -at- bostech -dot- com

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