standards for software documentation

Subject: standards for software documentation
From: Irene Wong <wongword -at- OZEMAIL -dot- COM -dot- AU>
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 06:34:19 +1000

I regularly notice discussions about ISO 9000 and software documentation

Here in Australia we have a standard called AS 4258.

1 This is Standards Australia's best selling IT standard.

2 Phil Cohen immediate past President of ASTC (New South Wales state
branch) was on the standards committee which developed this. This
standard has been put forward to the ISO as the basis for an
international standard. It is likely to be accepted.

Phil Cohen is on the ISO committee which is developing the ISO

I would assume that Standards Australia (the name of our organisation) is
has a web page.

Irene Wong
Devolpmental editor, acting managing editor,
Australian Securities Commission
(contributing as an individual as always, and not representing the views
of mmy employer)

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