FrameMaker = Tool of Choice

Subject: FrameMaker = Tool of Choice
From: Jim McAward <jimmc -at- CHYRON -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 11:23:52 -0400

Carol et. al.,

I've used many page design/page layout applications in my years in this
bid'ness - and FrameMaker wins the competition hands down. Out of the three
you listed, I have the least experience with Interleaf, but the scuttlebut I
hear from ex-Interleaf cognoscenti is that FrameMaker won many of their
hearts and souls, too.

Adobe is in a funny position in that they own both PageMaker (from Aldus)
and FrameMaker (from Frame Technology, Inc.). There's a reason: the
Pagemaker book was the only book in Adobe's library without a colophon -
it's because Adobe used FrameMaker for all their books, *not* PageMaker. I
have both applications - PageMaker seems better for highly detailed layout
of shorter things like brochures. FrameMaker is the power tool for long
documents. Here at Chyron, we regularly publish books in the 700 to 900
page range, plus lots of shorter manuals... Frame manages to automate many
tasks such as autonumbering, and generally creates books that are faster to
produce, easier to maintain, and easier to publish electronically, (e.g. in

The learning curve for Frame is higher than say, a word processor app - but
(methinks) shorter than the learning curve for PageMaker.

My opinions, FWIW. YMMV!

Best regards,

James G. McAward Chyron Corporation
Manager, Melville, NY 11747
Technical Publications
"So many facts, so little time!"

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