Interviews and Ethics

Subject: Interviews and Ethics
From: Candace Bamber <cbamber -at- CASTEK -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 09:09:38 -0400

The recent thread about interviews and the weird things people say at them
reminds me of an ethics problem I've been meaning to ask for some advice

The situation:
I worked in a really bad place, and I knew it was a really bad place, but
for a variety of reasons, it wasn't a good time for me to leave. I was
looking for another job, of course, but that takes time, and I was holding
out for something that really met my needs - the last thing I wanted was to
end up some place as bad, or even worse. The only upside of the place is
that my team was a really close team and we got along really well. We'd
been through a lot together and it created a bond.

We had tons of work and not enough staff, so we were trying to hire
someone. At the interviews, I would be sitting there with the
responsibility of finding someone good to be part of our team. They would
ask me questions about the company, and I would be at a loss about what to
say. On one hand, professionalism and responsibility to the company that
wrote my cheque every month, on the other hand, literally a living
nightmare of a place to work. To meet my professional obligations, I
needed a really good writer with some solid experience - not easy to come
by in this market. To meet the dictates of my conscience, I needed them to
understand what they were getting into, and for whatever reasons they might
have had, to choose it for themselves.

I'm ashamed to say I never once handled the situation in a way I feel proud
of. I didn't lie outright, but I put a good face on the situation and did a
"sell" of the company. I decided that for as long as I worked there, it
wasn't appropriate to say negative things about them. But I still feel

Surely I'm not the only one to ever be in this position. I would be very
interested to know what other people did, or what they think. And what
about people who accepted jobs under " false pretenses"? What do you think
of this whole issue?


cbamber -at- castek -dot- com
Candace Bamber

now thankfully at: "Whatever you can do or dream,
Castek Software Factory Begin it.
Toronto, ON, Canada Boldness has genius, magic and power in
416-777-2550 X 331 --- Goethe

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