TechWhirl (TECHWR-L) is a resource for technical writing and technical communications professionals of all experience levels and in all industries to share their experiences and acquire information.
For two decades, technical communicators have turned to TechWhirl to ask and answer questions about the always-changing world of technical communications, such as tools, skills, career paths, methodologies, and emerging industries. The TechWhirl Archives and magazine, created for, by and about technical writers, offer a wealth of knowledge to everyone with an interest in any aspect of technical communications.
Over the past year, nearly 100 TECHWHIRLERS have contacted
me about online classes. I am posting this information to the list because I
have misplaced a number of those names.
George Hayhoe, Ph.D. will be teaching a graduate level publications management
class, 100% online, beginning October 3d.
You all know George -- long time editor, writing professional, and consultant
-- presently editing the STC's scholarly
journal, Technical Communication. You may gather more information about
George by checking out this web page at
Utah State University (affectionately called the "shower curtain site"):
Classes are $251.54 (instate or out-of-state) plus $10 for lab fee.
To check into our graduate program, call Ken Brewer at (801) 797-3516
or look at then clicking "About" and "Proposed
To enroll in the class, call Vicki Larson at (801) 797-3697.
The course number is English 613, Publications Management.
Its enrollment number is 15086.
I hope some of you find this useful.
PS: The sites may take a day or two being updated.
The changes have been made, but the webmasters still have to attach them to
the sites. Also, I will be out of town until Sep 23 but will return messages.
Dave Hailey
Assistant Professor
Department of English
Head of Research
Center for Asynchronous Learning
Utah State University
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