levels of edit --- JPL approach.

Subject: levels of edit --- JPL approach.
From: Ron D Rhodes <Ron_D_Rhodes -at- MAIL -dot- BANKONE -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 08:28:28 -0500

Hillary wrote:

Can anyone remind me what the levels of edit are? Just the names of
them--I only need a memory-jogger. BTW, I'm thinking of the Levels of
Edit published by STC, it's based on something from the JPL, there are
nine levels, one of them is consistency . . . .


I don't know STC's method. But I have a copy of the JPL approach right
here. Here's the list, starting with the lowest level first.

Coordination Edit
- planning, estimating, scheduling

Policy Edit
- conforming to house policies and styles

Integrity Edit
- ensuring integrity of TOC, Index, and references.

Screening Edit
- spelling, subject-verb agreement, sentences.

Copy Clarification Edit
- clarifying unreadable copy

Format Edit
- typeface, column width, justification, layout.

Mechanical Edit
- consistent styles, caps, spelling, numbers, itals.

Language Edit
- conforming to accepted dictionary and style guide usage.

Substantive Edit
- eliminating redundancy/discrepancies, emphasizing important themes.

Thanks for the request. It was great reminder of the importance of good
editing. I posting these levels on my board right now.

Take Care,

Ron Rhodes
ron_d_rhodes -at- mail -dot- bankone -dot- com

http://www.documentation.com/, or http://www.dejanews.com/

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