Re: We recommend...

Subject: Re: We recommend...
From: John Bell <jbell -at- PARAGREN -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 09:59:12 -0400

Scott Miller asked:
> Taking a poll here on how do write recommendations for how to use
> something, for example, if your company is named "Gucci..." what do you
> write?

> "Gucci recommends..."
> "We recommend..."
> "It is recommended..."
> "It is best to..."
> "You had better the hell..."

I vote for "Gucci recommends...". It is straightforward and implies that
people in your company agree as to the best course of action.

I dislike "We recommend..." because your readers may misinterpret who
"we" is, unless you have defined "we" as being Gucci Inc. already.

As for "It is recommended..." and "It is best to...", they start off with
another undefined word. What is "It"? Always avoid using pronouns that
do not have a direct and easily identified antecedent.

As for the last choice, are you trying to sneak some humor into your
tech writing? Shame on you! (grin)

--- John Bell
jbell -at- paragren -dot- com

P.S. The best example of humor in tech writing I've ever seen was in
an old Apple ][ manual. The topic was using a cassette tape (remember them?)
to store programs. The writer mentioned that if you listened to the tape
all you would hear would be clicks and buzzes. A footnote then explained
that *IF* these clicks and buzzes made sense to you, you were a mutant
and would go far in the computer industry!

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