Re: We recommend...

Subject: Re: We recommend...
From: Janet Valade <janetv -at- MAIL -dot- SYSTECH -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 08:27:18 -0700

>"Gucci recommends..."

>"We recommend..."


>"It is recommended..."

>"It is best to..."

This is closest to my choice. However, I wouldn't really write it any of
these ways. I would just give them the info, without defining it as a
recommendation. E.g., If ABC, XYZ is best. Or XYZ gives the best results
in ABC circumstances. Or select XYZ unless ABC is true. Or do not select
XYZ unles ABC is true. If it is important to define the action as
recommended, I would just call it recommended without specifying who
recommended it. I think they will assume that the company is recommending
it. E.g., XYZ is not a recommended choice because ABC. Or the recommended
choice is XYZ because ABC.


Janet Valade,
Technical Writer, Systech Corporation, San Diego, CA
mailto:janetv -at- systech -dot- com
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