Re: question: bulleted lists and periods

Subject: Re: question: bulleted lists and periods
From: Janice Gelb <janiceg -at- MARVIN -dot- ENG -dot- SUN -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 08:48:50 -0700

Sarah Wigser wrote:

> What is the standard for using periods at the end of bulleted items? I
> am having a mild argument with a sales rep and need to know what
> others use?

Our style calls for periods for all items if at least one item in the
list is a whole sentence and no periods if no items in the list are
whole sentences.

> Please respond directly to me - don't know how
> interesting of a topic this is!!!

My mail software only shows the Techwr-l return address so I couldn't
respond directly because your email address wasn't in the message

Janice Gelb | The only connection Sun has with this
janice -dot- gelb -at- eng -dot- sun -dot- com | message is the return address.

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