Re: screen dumps in books

Subject: Re: screen dumps in books
From: Betsy Maaks <bmaaks -at- TELLABS -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 09:20:34 -0600


In general, manuals are written for people who don't
know how to use the software. They don't know what
to expect, what is normal behavior and what is not
normal behavior. Traditionally, screen shots (or
representations by typing and using a rounded box)
are used in documentation so the user can confirm
that what he/she sees displayed on the screen is
correct, thereby confirming that he/she is using
the correct procedure. This builds the user's
confidence in performing the task on the computer.
It's your basic human/computer interaction.

You the writer can make judgments about the
content of the computer responses based on
your knowledge of the "typical" software user of
the product you're writing for. A general rule
is to reinforce the positive behavior (what is
supposed to happen) and mention the pitfalls
with methods for avoiding them or referring
them to troubleshooting procedures.

Betsy Maaks
reply to: bmaaks -at- tellabs -dot- com

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