**READ THIS** (Re: ADMIN: Posting Rules Reminder)

Subject: **READ THIS** (Re: ADMIN: Posting Rules Reminder)
From: Matt Ion <soundy -at- SOUNDY -dot- ORG>
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 01:45:05 -0700

On Mon, 3 May 1999 09:55:12 +0200, Bob Gembey wrote:

>Is the TW list a democratic organization, or is the listserver
>administrator an absolute monarch?

Actually, the listserv administrator has nothing to do with it. The list
OWNER, Eric J. Ray, is the person who created this list in the first place
and IS an "absolute monarch" and thus the rest of your message is
irrelevant :-) You will note as well, as I believe is stated in the
rules, that public discussion of those rules is also off-topic and not

That said, I post this publicly because I would like to point out to
everyone that over the years I've been here, Eric has shown himself to be
fair and forgiving of trangressions (as long as that fairness isn't taken
advantage of). If you do have an "argument" or a point to make about what
you feel is or isn't appropriate, and can state it in a calm, rational
manner, he WILL hear you out, and if you're convincing enough, he may even
amend the posting rules - as has happened occaisionally before - BUT NOT

All in all, he tries to be a BENEVOLENT dictator, with only the best
interests of keeping HIS list professional and under control, despite the
flak he receives for doing so. Let's give the poor guy some credit, hmm?

And now, since this type of posting IS off-topic, I shall retire from this

Your friend and mine,
<All standard disclaimers apply>
"Reality is in alpha test on protoype hardware."

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